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       Worldwide Hydrogen Powered Electrical Generating Systems is a L.L.C. dedicated
to the research, design, development and marketing of state of the art electrical power
generating systems for residential, commercial, industrial, medical and governmental clients.

       At present our facilities are located in Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland.
We are engaged in the marketing of our proprietary patented devices to electrical device 
manufactures, electrical power distribution companies and governmental bodies
while we engage in the construction,  production and distribution of the 
RPG, our residential power system.


       Imagine a device which could free every hard working home or business owner from rising electrical energy bills.

       A device which could run indefinitely on the virtual limitless hydrogen found in water. A device which could not only pay for itself but return to its owner a regular monthly check from
his or her power distribution company. A device which is not only green but whose emission
is H2O.


by  Gene Louis

       We must think outside the box.  We must challenge existing norms. We must persist against the odds.  Newton, Edison, the Wright Brothers, Henry Ford, Einstein, Bill Gates and more recently Burt Rutan and Sir Richard Branson creator and financial supporter of Space Ship One, all thought and think outside the box and ahead of their time.  All risked being the laughing stock of the world.  All risked failure. 

       However, in the end, not only did they succeed in their quintessentially quixotic quests but their inventions, discoveries and processes have become the models and systems for countless numbers success stories, all of which have enriched everyone of our lives in inexplicable ways. 

       Thank God for people like Vivian Thomas whose visions transcended all the boundaries of education, economics and race. As a result of Dr. Thomas' amazing contributions to humanity, coupled with the surgical prowess of Dr. Alfred Blalock and the wonderful Dr. Helen Taussig, countless numbers of people are alive today, because they had the vision, concept and creativity to break one of medicines long standing rules 
"no lo tango" do not touch the heart. Who is not touched by his story.

       Such is the nature of Worldwide Hydrogen Powered Electrical Generating Systems.  We dare to visualize, conceptualize and create devices, which bring cheap electrical "power to the people".   Devices, which lessen the financial burden every one of us endure in our personal quest to provide security, comfort and stability to our families. We are tenacious, persistant in our corporate quest. Failure is not part of our vocabulary.

       We believe we have the vision, concept and ingenuity to bring to market, devices which will revolutionize the lives of innumerable people, as well as  commercial and industrial businesses.  We believe we have the natural intuitive ability to find the best minds to achieve success. We believe there are no hidden secrets within the realms and sciences of physics, mechanics and chemistry which can not be equationized, published and integrated into functional affordable power generating devices. 

       It is a scientific fact that there is enough energy in a glass of water to power the energy needs of New York City for two weeks.  70% of the Earths’ surface is covered by water.  Two thirds of every water molecule is composed of hydrogen.  The other third is oxygen, a necessary component of combustion.  Hydrogen is the lightest, most abundant element in the universe.  Hydrogen powers our sun.  We believe we can harness a small portion of hydrogen’s’ potential in a safe, environmentally friendly manner to not only power our devices but many other devices as well. 

       There exists in many parts of the world, working hydrogen generators, much to the dismay of nay saying PhD’s.  There exists in many parts of the world, miniature engines manufactures who can adapt engines to our production requirements.  There exists numerous electrical generator manufacturing companies who would love to produce our electrical generators and supply us with electrical distribution parts and last but not least, many companies worldwide, capable of producing our unique block design which puts all of these technologies into a long lasting, practical, marketable device.

       In short, we have all the puzzle pieces, laid out in order and in position, ready to assemble. 
What we need now is the support of a few visionary people. A few good people able to risk their support at the risk of failure. A few intuitive people who know a good thing when they hear it.
A few good leaders who are willing to join our quintessential quixotic quest team,

as executive producers. A few good people who believe. 



